My name is Aristama Purna Wisoka Roesli. I recently graduated from RWTH Aachen university Germany for master of science. I have terrific time in Aachen when studying in my master degree, espcially when working for the master thesis.
I gained a lot of knowledge in the area of agent-based technology or multi-agent system when researching data during my thesis. Too many data, probably, so that many of the related works that I read were not really related to my topic of the theses. There were many valuable knowledge that I did not be able to write in my thesis because it's not match with the project of my thesis
Oops... Did I say something redundant above. Please remind me. Because that is my bad habit :).
OK, then.... I want to know more detail about those not-really-related related works because I am sure I will get some ideas from those concepts. Mmmhh... what about try the same way like when researching the materials of my thesis. Writing!!! Yap, that seems the easiest way to do.... escpecially in the blogspot... :). Sorry, not to have the own website for this... because my concern now is to know more detail about the approaches in the agent-based technology area. Probably , later, I will build a website for this... I hope.
And, it will be very nice if you as the reviewer don't hesitate to give comments or even critics. If you can give me new ideas. I will be very appreciate it.
So, enjoy your stay.